January 12, 2023

Interview with Joey from FounderStudio AG

Okay then, let’s get started with the most burning question first: Please describe yourbusiness in one sentence.

"FounderStudio makes world-class founders and allows the community and investors to invest into their startups even before they are founded."

Sounds interesting! Why and how does your business provide value?

"We enable failure, because we believe that failure makes startups much more resilient! You don’t have to fail big to learn, but if you learn first you may not fail big, but win big! We provide FounderTeams a stage for immediate and global feedback on their ideas and measure success on money raised. The value for investors on the other hand is that we allow them to invest into 5x more startups to raise their chance of successful investments as they only have to put up 20% of the investment at the pre-seed stage. All this is possible on our VideoApp, so Founders as well as early stage startups can raise their first million directly from the community."

Valuable indeed. Now please tell us a little bit more about your company's vision:

"Our Vision is that the world needs more Founders. FounderStudio will create, shape and grow them! We believe that if somebody turns out to be a Founder is determined early on in his or her life. There are many reasons behind this like, when you are young, you have less financial responsibility (no family), you are hungrier for success as you haven’t had too much yet, you think less and do more (very important attitude for entrepreneurs), you are much more fearless because you are more inexperienced (another super important attitude for entrepreneurs), you treat problems when they appear and take them bit by bit or step by step (because you don’t know otherwise), you don’t apply known concepts to solve a problem, but you have to innovate to find the concepts (because you haven’t learned too many concepts yet). WE believe that FounderStudio can be the first place to gather people who want to find out if they could be good Founders and if they find out that they are then FounderStudio will promote those Founders and get them funded."
At a later stage FounderStudio will probably turn out be a VentureBuilder, as our goal is to decode the secret of what makes great Founders and then apply this to practice (and fund the good Founders ourselves…)

That sounds great! So, what important milestones have you reached on your way there?

"We have hired a world-class super young team, We managed to stay below 20k burnrate per month. We will release our MVP in December 2022. We have raised CHF 300K in Pre-Seed and we are on target to hit 10k users on our platform by the end of Q1/2023."

Insightful. Now this may seem like a no-brainer, but why should people buy shares from your company?

"Because FounderStudio is A) the enabler behind all these FounderTeams and B) because FounderStudio will invest into these FounderTeams too. Ultimately, we are going to make pitching an online experience and ban boring pitches forever."

Great! And what does your ideal shareholder look like? Who should buy your shares?

"We are looking for shareholders who want to have a positive impact on our planet and make a little money on the side…"

Very good. Now one final question if I may: Where do you see your company in 2 years from now?

"Work closely with sustainable startups to become an international VentureBuilder with its own integrated pipeline."

Thank you very much for the interview and your time Joey. To find out more about FounderStudio and their shares, you can visit their investor relations page.

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