
Aktionariat offers a set of tools for Swiss companies to create a market for their digital shares on their own website.

Corporate Event and Voting Feature

In the era of crowdinvesting, companies often experience a rapid increase in shareholders, making it challenging to manage physical events with thousands of investors. To address this and make your corporate governance efficient , we've introduced a new software feature. This feature allows you to easily create, edit, plan corporate events and votings, invite your shareholders, share documents and collect votes during corporate events, making your general assemblies and other events more effective and manageable.

Learn more about the feature here.

Why Use The Corporate Event and Voting Feature? 

Managing large-scale physical events can be challenging and costly. With our corporate event and voting feature, you can create, edit and plan your events and collect votes online, saving time and resources. This feature is especially useful for companies with a large number of shareholders. 

In conclusion, the new corporate event and voting feature is a powerful tool for companies looking to streamline their event management and decision-making processes. Start using it today to experience the benefits firsthand.

Overview: How to Use The Corporate Event and Voting Feature? 

Using this feature is straightforward. Simply log in to the dashboard, navigate to the 'Shareholders', then 'Corporate Events' and click on 'Create New Event'. Follow the prompts and fill out the form to set up your event. You can then add a meeting URL, attach related documents, and send invitations. Please be aware that if you finalize and publish an event, email invitations will be sent to all shareholders in your shareholder registry. 

To create a voting additionally, go to the 'Votings' section and click on 'Create New Voting'. You can monitor the voting process and download the results from the same section.

Step-by-Step Guide

STEP 1. Create and Edit New Events 

With this feature, you can create and edit new events like general assemblies. The interface allows you to set up your event in a few simple steps, making it easy to manage. 

Simply log in to the dashboard, navigate to the 'Shareholders', then 'Corporate Events' and click on 'Create New Event'.

Image 1. Navigate to the Corporate Events Section

STEP 1.1. Create a New Event

Follow the prompts and fill out the form to set up your event. To create an event, the mandatory fields should be filled firstly. You can add a meeting URL, attach related documents, and send invitations later. 

Image 2. Create an Event

If this event also includes a voting, select it in the section “Assign a Voting”. You will need to create the voting first (follow Step 2).  If the voting is not created yet, you can create an event without a voting to save your progress, and assign the voting later.

If you want to create an event in advance or edit it, you should only save the event as a draft. If your event is saved as a draft, you will be able to delete this event as well. 

Image 3. Edit or Delete an Event

If you click on “Finalize and Publish”, a corporate event will be finalized and all invitations will be sent to all shareholders in your shareholder registry.  After this action, the corporate event will become permanently uneditable and it will be not possible to delete it. 

Image 4. Finalized and Published Event

STEP 1.2. Add Meeting URL (for online and hybrid events)

You can add a meeting URL to your event when you are creating an event for the first time or at a later stage by editing Corporate Event. 

Image 5. Add a Meeting URL

STEP 1.3. Add Related Documents 

You can attach related documents to your event, such as agendas, reports, or presentations. This allows your shareholders to access all necessary information in one place. You can browse files or drag & drop them. 

Image 6. Upload Related Documents

STEP 1.4. Send Invitations 

You can send invitations to your shareholders directly from the platform. 

Invitations will be sent to all your shareholders automatically  once you have finalized it and click on the button “Finalize and Publish”. 

The invitation email will also include a link to a personalised voting page, where shareholders can submit their votes. 

Image 7. Example of Email Invitation

STEP 2. Create and Manage Votings 

You can create votings and add recommendations for your shareholders. This feature allows you to gather votes and make decisions . 

STEP 2.1 Create a Voting 

To create a Voting, navigate to “Shareholders”, then “Votings”, and click on “Add New Voting”

Image 8. Navigate to the Votings Section

Image 9. Create a Voting

Follow the prompts and fill out the form to set up your event.  

You can add up to 20 questions with up to 10 options per question. If this question is optional, you can tick the box “Optional question”. An option to mark the question as a Multiple Choice Question is available as well. 

Image 10. Add a Question

You can mark an option as Recommended by clicking on “Mark as Recommended”.  An investor will see the recommended option with a highlighted tag.  

Image 11. Recommended Option to Vote for

When you finish filling out the fields required to create a voting, you can save the question by clicking the corresponding button.

When you complete all fields required to create a voting: you can click on: 

  • “Save Draft” if the voting needs to be changed or reviewed
  • “Finalize and Publish” if the voting is finalized. After this action, the voting will become permanently uneditable.

The voting page for investors will be available to access from the start date and be closed on the end date you have chosen. 

STEP 2.2 Assign a Voting

If you want to assign a voting to an event, navigate to the Corporate Events, choose the event, click on the button, and scroll down to the “Assign a Voting” section. 

Click on the dropdown on the right side and choose the voting you have created for this event. 

Image 12. Assign a Voting

Click on “Save Draft” if the event needs to be reviewed again or “Finalize and publish” if you want to finalize editing and send invitations for the event. 

STEP 2.3. Check Voting Results 

You can check voting results and get an overview of the outcomes. The system provides real-time updates, allowing you to monitor the voting process closely.

To view the Results, navigate to “Votings”, find the event you want to check, and click the left icon on the right side. 

Image 13. Navigate to the Voting Results

You will see the list of questions and numbers of votes for each question. 

STEP 2.4. Download Results 

You can download the results of the voting for further analysis or record-keeping in .xlsx format.  

To download results, navigate to “Votings”, find the event you want to check, and click the left icon on the right side (Picture 13). The Voting Results page will be opened - below the list of questions, you will find the button “Download Results”.